If we have likes, we also dislikes. These dislikes are the opposite of our likes. People who are so sassy, disrespectful, and those who wants to get the attention of others for nonsense things. In friends, I hate traitors . Being a traitor is really a bad attitude because no one really wants a traitor person. In foods, I hate those with lots of oil because I'm scared to be fat. In brands, I hate those products that are too sassy because I'm not really comfortable wearing sassy clothes. It makes me feel weird. My sibling also hate sassy clothes especially my older sister. In phones, I hate iPhone because it is hard to share files with other phone when you are using iPhone. In books, I hate fantasies because fantasies are not true and they are just similar with fiction. Fantasies contains people that do not really exist so that is why children in this generation believe n those creatures. In color, I hate red because for me it symbolises death which is not really good. In medicines, I hate herbal medicine because it has bad and sometimes strong odor and unpleasant taste.

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